Great Plains is all about ease-of use. One of these features is the ability to boost productivity by configuring your toolbar exactly the way you need it. Streamline your navigation by making your highly used functions a single click away, removing icons to the functions you don’t need, and rearranging the setup to mirror your business practices.
How to add a toolbar
To add a predefined toolbar, click View, point to Toolbars, and then click the toolbar that you want. A check mark next to an item on the Toolbar menu indicates that the toolbar is currently displayed.
The following table lists the toolbars and the items on those toolbars.
Toolbar | Commands |
Financial | General Transaction Entry |
Quick Journal Entry | |
Detail Inquiry | |
Financial Series Posting | |
Sales | Sales Transaction Entry |
Receivables Transaction Entry | |
Receivables Batch Entry | |
Cash Receipts Entry | |
Sales Series Posting | |
Purchasing | Purchase Order Entry |
Receivings Transaction Entry | |
Enter/Match Invoices | |
Payables Transaction Entry | |
Payables Series Posting | |
Inventory | Item Transfer Entry |
Item Transaction Entry | |
Item Maintenance | |
Inventory Series Posting | |
Human Resources & Payroll | Employee Maintenance |
Applicant | |
Payroll Transaction Entry | |
Attendance Transaction Entry | |
Benefit Deduction Summary | |
Employee Pay Code Maintenance | |
Manufacturing | Manufacturing Order Entry |
Manufacturing Component Transaction Entry | |
Manufacturing Order Receipt Entry | |
Manufacturing Order Close | |
Quick MO’s | |
Project | Project Maintenance |
Timesheet Entry | |
Employee Expense Entry | |
PA Purchase Order Entry | |
PA Receivings Transaction Entry | |
Billing Entry | |
Standard | Navigation Pane |
SmartList | |
Clear | |
Select All | |
Insert Row | |
Delete Row | |
User,Company, and User Date… | User ID |
Company Name | |
User Date | |
Custom | Add custom commands (windows) as needed |
How to customize a toolbar
You can use the Toolbar Customization window (View / Toolbars / Customize) to customize the toolbars that are available. You can:
- Add or remove commands such as deleting a row
- Create a single-click icon for any window in Great Plains
- Customize the appearance of commands and icons
These sample steps show how to add the Bank Deposit window to the Financial toolbar:
- On the View menu, point to Toolbars, then click Customize.
- In the Choose a toolbar to modify list, select Financial.
- Click Add.
- In the Menu Groups box, click Transactions.
- In the Categories/Commands box, expand Financial.
- Click Bank Deposits, then click OK.
- Click OK to close the Toolbar Customization window.
The following table contains other toolbar customization options. To perform each customization, you must first select the toolbar that you want to modify in the Choose a toolbar to modify box. Then, go to the Controls box, click the appropriate command, and follow the designated procedure below. After you finish customizing the toolbar, click OK to save you changes and to close the window. If you ever wish to undo all of your changes, simple click Reset Toolbar.
Customization | Procedure |
Delete a command | Click Delete. |
Change the order of the commands on a toolbar | Click Move Up or click Move Down to move the command to another position on the toolbar. |
Rename a command | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Name to open the Change Name window. Type a new name in the New Name box, and then click OK. |
Change a command symbol | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Change Button Image to open the Change Icon window. Click the symbol that you want to use, and then click OK to save your changes and to close the window. |
Show only the name of the command on the toolbar | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Text Only. |
Show only the symbol for the command on the toolbar | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Image Only. |
Show the name of and the symbol for a command on the toolbar | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Image & Text. |
Use the default style to show a command on the toolbar | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Default Style. |
Insert a divider line | Point to Modify Selection, and then click Insert Divider Line. |
Similar topics will be covered in the Intermediate Foundation Training class in August. Learn more and register now!